Mediterranean Arts Sciences
[go to the project’s website] / Note: the project was discontinued
Kernos is a map of the subjects, locations, themes and relations of the arts and sciences in the Mediterranean rim.
It is created by practitioners in the arts and sciences, to start a participative reflection around the essence, meaning and values, patterns and differences in the arts and sciences across the Mediterranean, and to understand the possible, positive and constructive implications which derive from being able to reflect, to broaden the field of vision.
This makes it problematic to define boundaries: where does the Mediterranean end in the DigiPlace?
In Kernos, we aim to reflect on the Arts and Sciences globally, as seen from the lens of the Mediterranean.
All contribute to creating a shared, open, accessible, emergent, evolving data set which the community can freely use for its purposes: to visualize it, to self-reflect onto itself, to create strategies and collaborations for the arts and sciences, to understand existing collaborations, interactions, intersections, and possible ones.
These, for example, are the topics which are being discussed at a certain moment across all the participants’ social network presences, and can give insights about opportunities in the community, the identification of possible common actions, collaborations etc.
Kernos is also a reflection on the availability, accessibility and usability of data, and on its implications for data-driven governance practices: in a global scenario in which data (of behavioral, relational and contextual types) is under the complete control of large global operators, the possibility to construct community-driven data sources, and to establish the shared policies and strategies in which data is collected, used, shared may lead to improved rights, freedoms, awareness an culture.