Our little research center is undergoing a deep transformation. The arrival of the COVID19 global pandemic is just the last indication of the need for change: this is just the first of the complex issues we are about to face. Art, Sciences, Technologies and Society...
Here you can find the list of the artworks that have been part of the exhibit of the HER She Loves San Lorenzo 2018 Winter Edition festival (the Beloved projects), together with the spaces in the neighbourhood which have hosted them (the Lovers) Info Demand...
L’edizione invernale 2018 del festival HER She Loves San Lorenzo si avvicina, e ne cominciano le iniziative, con una grande Call for Art and Data: Art&Data Beloved: una call aperta per progetti di Arte e Dati che faranno parte della mostra del festival...
HER She Loves San Lorenzo Winter Edition 2018 la seconda edizione del festival di arte e dati del quartiere di San Lorenzo the second edition of the art and data festival of the San Lorenzo district 3 Workshop: 11, 16- 17 e 24 Novembre Festival: 9, 10 e 11...
Dati intelligenza artificiale cultura XII Convegno del Comitato Tecnico Scientifico del CSI Piemonte I dati sono il petrolio di domani: nuclei informativi prodotti in gran quantità da persone e cose, che creano ricchezza per chi è in grado di gestirli, analizzarli,...
Two lectures about an Existential School and Fake Intelligence FLxER Audio Visual Performing Art Project is an event at the intersection of video and performance mixing spectacle, research, entertainment and education, lecture, roundable, workshops and video mapping...