october, 2018
18oct5:00 pm7:00 pmThe round table. Data to the People: Are data really part of the public space?

Event Details
Human Architecture is an attempt to debate the topic of data and public space in the frame of the Biennale of Architecture, by setting new possible scenarios to cooperate
Event Details
Human Architecture is an attempt to debate the topic of data and public space in the frame of the Biennale of Architecture, by setting new possible scenarios to cooperate with the transformation.
The city of Venice leads the process from its Pavilion, by hosting the”realtime life of the city” through an installation directly inspired by Biennale theme #FreeSpace. The whole project is an action of listening from and to the territory, its emerging expressions, in which people can visualize and gain better understanding about the impact of this global event on the city, generating a new open-data source and materializing the data in the public space.
The harvested data will be the starting point to an open debate involving city administrators, cultural managers, artist and researchers.
How can we avoid separation and bring data back into public space? Which is the role of cities, architecture and the arts in this process? Which models can city and cultural institutions in Venice – such as Civic Museums, Guggenheim, Punta della Dogana, the Biennale itself – adopt, based on understanding and listening to what people say and think and how they relate, towards more comprehensive and shared approaches?
The STARTS EU programme – Innovation at the nexus arts, science and technologies is the institutional frame which recognizes to arts the role of catalyst to bring together different disciplines, institutions and companies to create.
- Luca Battistella, Innovation and Smart City councillor for Venice municipality;
- Paolo Cesarini, Head of Unit of Media Convergence and Social Media ;
- Irene Giglio, coordinator Aachitect and bioclimatic designer at Mario Cucinella Architects;
- Salvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Persico , Digital Culture theorists, artists and founders of the research center Human Ecosystems Relazioni;
- Fiorenza Lipparini, founding partner and director of research for PlusValue
- Pierluigi Sacco, professor of Cultural Economics at IULM University in Milan, director of FBK-IRVAPP research center in Trento, senior researcher at metaLAB (at) Harvard, and visiting scholar at Harvard University;
- Giovanni Vaia, professor of Global Sourcing and Business Economics at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
- Franco Avicolli, pubblicist and director of the center Micromega Arte e Cultura (MAC)
Moderator: - Simone Arcagni, New Media researcher and associate professor at University of Palermo
(Thursday) 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Pescheria di Rialto
Campo della Pescaria. 30125 Venezia VE