Letters to School, in Padova
Letters to School is a meeting in the city of Padova dedicated to the evolution of school in today’s global scenario. It involves students, teachers and operators.
School is like an hospital which cures the healthy and rejects the diseased.
As Human Ecosystems we will participate to highlight our convictions on the possible transformations of school, seen from the lens of the socio-technological transformation of society, in a frame in which data and computational governance are becoming prominent forms of government and social determination.
Among the things which we will discuss are:
- What are the new skills and competences? Maybe coding is not as useful, in the upcoming scenario, as learning how to sleep, rest and to take time off?
- Models of attention. Technology is a continuous stimulus/satisfaction cycles which modify the nature of our attention span. How do knowledge and relation transform in this scenario?
- Surface knowledge. With the hyperlink we have become “surfers”, and it has become difficult to go deep (in subjects, discussions, knowledge). Surface knowledge is ok, but it only works in a collaborative society, where one person’s surface can be another person’s depth. But school is completely built for competition, not collaboration.
- Human Centered? No. We must start to consider humanity not at the center, but in complex relation with the ecosystem, with technologies, environment, new subjectivities (legal, technological). When we found out that Earth was not at the center, we discovered the Universe.
- The new school which we are bringing up, and why we are doing it.
Letters to School: the program
This is the website of the initiative: https://lettereallascuola.com/
This is the page of the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/223770675044464/
The event will take place on Friday May 18th, in Padova, at the Torre Archimede, in via Trieste, 63, 35121 Padua, Italy, at 6:30pm
The program includes interventions by Curzio Maltese, European Parliament, Salvatore Iaconesi, president of the Human Ecosystems Relazioni research center, Massimo Marchiori, Professor at Padova University, Emanuela Pulvirenti, Professor and blogger at Didatticarte.