New Haven
Relational system of the City
In New Haven (USA), Human Ecosystems Relazioni has collaborated with the Yale University and with the City Administration to design a system aimed to detect the emotional states of citizenship regarding the fundamental themes for the city, to visualize the results in public space, and to initiate a broad educational process, transforming the role of public libraries.
On the occasion of the Yale World Fellowship of Salvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Persico, HER have begun a partnership with the city of New Haven, through an active participation of the City of New Haven Administration, Yale University, the Grove, and other organizations in the citizen area. The project purpose was to explore the future of smart cities and smart communities, within the framework of current radical transformations caused by ubiquitous technologies.
A specific Human Ecosystems is geared towards gathering the emotional expressions of citizens who express themselves on the major social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) regarding the greatest interests of the city (traffic and mobility, security, education, decorum, social cohesion, work , environment and pollution) and understanding the flows and exchanges of information and knowledge in the city.
The resulted data has been used for different reasons
Open Data
An open data source able to support administrations and citizens to understand the city situation, and to help them to plan interventions, participative actions and events.
A training process that involve citizens, university students, researchers, innovators, artistes, creative people inside the city, in order to learn how to use data to create, plan and design services and applications, organize.
An exposition sets in the New Haven City Hall, with the participation of media and citizens, to show the research results, enhance the awareness of the City and to inaugurate the partnership with administration and the city.
Rethinking the role of Public Libraries, which also become a place for the preservation of city data and for their use in an inclusive, accessible and open way, together with tutors, educational programs and support for development of city projects.