A school!

A school which uses Artificial Intelligence and Data to explore the existential position of human beings in the age of hyper-connectivity, through Arts and Design.

The birth

The idea for the school was born during the HER She Loves San Lorenzo festival in Arts + Data, held in the San Lorenzo neighbourhood, in Rome, and was presented at the event on AI and public administrations, held at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, in Rome.

First steps

After the festival and the event with administrations and the European Commission, a report was produced which introduced the concept of the school. An article was soon produced to detail some of the concepts which drive the design of the school.

The meetings start!

Soon the first meeting of the school was held. A short article documents some of the considerations which emerged from it. This is the full report of the first meeting. The second meeting was held in collaboration with the FLxER Audio Visual Performing Arts Project.


Here you can find some tools and methods to participate to the process of creating the school and participating to it.

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