Artificial Intelligence has always been a focal point of our research here at HER. Ever since our little AI kid, Angel_F, or through the Talker Performance, or with GhostWriter, or with Stakhanov, Artificial Intelligence has represented an important, extreme...
HER: She Loves S. Lorenzo è il primo festival di quartiere dedicato all’arte e ai dati e alla cultura dei dati, promosso dal centro di ricerca HER – Human Ecosystems Relazioni e curato da Arianna Forte. Un festival iperlocale per rivitalizzare la...
RED – FRANCESCA FINI /// SOLO SHOW Exhibit 18 February – 18 March 2018 Vernissage & tea party 18 February 17.00, via dei Rutoli 2 (S. Lorenzo) On Sunday February the 18th , HER – Human Ecosystems launches its first cultural season through Red, a...
Milano and Big Data. HER has been collaborating with BASE Milano during the past year on a system which is able to gather Big Data from social networks about live music in the city of Milan. This is a thing which is potentially really important to do, as it is a live,...
The European Commission (DG Research and Innovation) tasked our partner PlusValue to identify solutions and make recommendations for a revived social innovation agenda of the Union. The study Vision and Trends of Social Innovation for Europe is the outcome of the...
Interactive installation, Opening 3rd Nov, 2017, Castello del Valentino (TO) Installation’Opening to the public – 10.00 am Round table – 10.45 am Over the years, hundreds of artists premiered at the contemporary art week of Turin. This 2017 edition...
BodyQuake, the research project born in collaboration with Fondazione Neuromed, Live Performers Meeting, Art is Open Source, and AVNode, will be featured in Aosta during the T*Danse Festival. The project is part of UltraCorpi, experimental section curated by artist...
What happens when Filter Bubbles start producing effects in the physical space of the city, creating separation (among different people and spaces)? Constrained City is a Near Future Design story Nefula created by founders Salvatore Iaconesi and Oriana Persico and...
From 30th October to 5th November, FabLab Roma Makers in Garbatella will be the place where the participants and tutors will take part in a workshop, which will focus on interconnecting through a multidisciplinary process. This process dealt with several topics, as an...
President Salvatore Iaconesi was nominated among the thirty experts on the new task force, promoted by the Italian Government and AgiD – Digital Agenda. The task force will work for three full months with the objective to study how the evolution of Artificial...